A well-organized home makes it much faster for you to find the things you need and much easier not to get frustrated. Having a closet organization system can bring very real and measurable benefits to your quality of life. Seeing everything in your closet can make it easier to donate clothes you no longer wear to a charitable organization. Organizing your home is the key to success! Check out the tricks below and tidy up your home.
#1 Attach Hooks
Place extra hooks in your kitchen cabinets. Hang cups and pots on hangers for extra shelf space.
#2 Opt For Baskets, Boxes, Organizers
Not everything needs to be in plain sight – especially towels, linens or seasonal linen. Fold them nicely and place them in baskets or boxes. To quickly find the item you need, label each bin.
#3 Refrigerator Organization
You can create an organized space here, too – extra baskets and containers allow you to store packages of canned goods, cheese, or cold cuts.
#4 Tidy Under The Sink
Too many cosmetics or cleaning products make chaos under the sink? Using compartments will gain extra space.
#5 Closed Cabinets
Closed cabinets are useful for sorting many things. They are extremely valuable in a baby room.
#6 Kitchen Drawer Organization
It’s not worth wasting time on a cluttered drawer. It’s better to invest in cutlery dividers or make them yourself from cardboard, for example.
#7 Keep Things Tidy Even In The Utility Room
And once again – extra, pull out containers work well for home organization!
#8 Closet Organization
If you never yet heard any woman say she has too many clothes, we wouldn’t bet on it. Giving away unused clothes to those who need them and hang the rest on equal hangers and store them in labelled boxes. That way you’d be able to control what are the item you are no longer wearing.
#9 Kitchen Board Space
You can place baking sheets, boards and pans in a cabinet in which you have previously installed separate shelves. Just measure the cabinet and order some 0SBs to be cut to the right measures.
#10 A Shoe Organizer Can Even Be Useful In The Pantry
Stash spices, sauce bottles, etc. in it.
#11 A Place For Pans
You’ll always be able to get your pans out of the cabinet quickly when stacked this way.
#12 Label The Boxes In Your Pantry
Once you’ve placed pasta, rice and spices in closed boxes it’s a good idea to describe what goes where. This way you can always find the box that interests you.
#13 Organizing the Boxes
Place the smaller boxes in the larger ones and the lids separately in the boxes. If you get the same brand containers, you are more likely that they will fit perfectly stacked up. That will gain you valuable space in your cabinet.
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