News — DIY
24 Eco-Friendly Ways to Organize Embroidery Flo
bunny cardboard craftingideas crossstitchaddict crossstitchlove Diy dmccrafts dmcthreads embroideredart embroiderer embroiderersofinstagram embroideryfloss embroiderylover embroiderylovers embroiderythread getcrafty gettingcrafty handembroidered ihavethisthingwiththread iloveembroidery instaembroidery lolliandgrace loveembroidery modernembroidery needleandthread Needlecrafts stitchersgonnastitch stitchersofinstagram tangledupinfloss threadincommon Tools Upcycling xstitching
ss Eighties kid here. When I was a kid WAAAY back in the eighties, I was beset with longing for a Caboodle. Never mind that I was deeply uninterested in makeup, which was what you were SUPPOSED to use the Caboodle to store in your teenage fantasies; it had awesome colors, I was sure I could put *something* cool in it, and I WANTED IT. If I was still slogging my way through grad school, I’d probably be burning right now with the desire to write a paper theorizing that the Caboodle, and an entire generation of eighties kids’ longing...
When I first moved into my apartment, I thought I was the luckiest girl on Earth
Beauty Decor DIY Fashion Living
I looked at—I kid you not—about 25 apartments over a two-month period. I used my lunch almost every work-from-home day to go look at apartments, and my weeknights were booked with apartment viewings too. I spent more time on Zillow than Instagram and Twitter combined. It was one of the most stressful experiences, and I still have some low-key trauma to work through from it. So when I finally found the one, it was perfect. I loved every single thing about it, and I had grand plans for how I’d decorate and make it my “forever” (AKA until they increase...
“I’m bored” is a phrase that I have found myself uttering periodically to myself over the past 19 days as, until now, I had thought that I’d done everything under the sun to keep occupied during this unusual time: I video chatted to my heart’s...
I played hide and seek with my dog more times than I care to admit. I considered trying to achieve Tik Tok stardom. I rewatched all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls. I (tragically) gave myself a manicure and (even more tragic) pedicure. I taught myself four guitar chords. Essentially, I have successfully accomplished everything I can to avoid doing stuff that actually should get done when I’m at home. Many of you might be in the same boat as me, having our dear friend procrastination (or, you know, good old anxiety) come in the way of achieving greatness—in this case,...
With our new reality of being confined to our homes, there’s no better time to do the organizing we always put off
Activities Decor DIY Living StayAtHome
In a perfect world, we’d make it look like the home edit came over and made all our organization dreams come true (am I right ladies). Whether it be your kitchen, home office, or bedroom, we can all admit we have that one (or more) drawer we have been avoiding—and now is the perfect time you give it some TLC. If you’re looking to organize your home and you’re not quite sure what to purchase or where to look, you’re in luck. Below we have all the organizing items you need and more: For the Bathroom Source: The Container...
Get These Tool Box Organizers and Stop Searching for the Right Wrench, Pliers or Screws on Every Trip to the Garage
DIY Garage Hacks Organization Tools
If you’re like most people, your tool box is a mess of tools, screws and other bits and bobs. If it takes you at least five minutes to find the socket, drill bit or set or pliers you need every time you go searching, then read on because for a time, we were just like you. Tool boxes are one of the hardest things in the home to keep organized due to their very nature. They are built to hold an array of small items, and really the only way to keep tool boxes tidy is to invest in built-for-purpose...