
GuestBloggers Morgan Motivation Simplicity

The following is a wise guest post about choosing intentionality amidst uncertainty from regular contributor, Morgan from Morganize with Me.

Time looks much different right now, doesn’t it? Our calendars and commitments have changed. Our daily schedules have shifted and the new normals are anything but normal. And while this isn’t easy, I know that we can choose to respond in an intentional way.

One of the best ways to work through any change or challenge is to adopt a mindset of intentionality. Whether you are now temporarily working from home, homeschooling your children, or any other combination, let’s make a commitment to remain intentional. Our days and how we orchestrate them matter now more than ever. We need to work to protect our mental, emotional, and physical health by ensuring we take the time to care for ourselves and what needs to be done.

Here are three mindsets to adopt when it comes to your time and scheduling in this current season of uncertainty.

Be Realistic
This is not the time to set lofty goals and big dreams. Sure, pick up a new book or bake some cookies. But this may not be the best time to completely declutter your house from top to bottom or finally get ALL of your photos organized. A large daunting project could just add to your stress levels.

Instead, bite off smaller projects. If you get the laundry done give yourself a big pat on the back. Frame that one photo you’ve been meaning to frame. Wipe down some baseboards. Purge your sock drawer. Focus on the small wins, because they matter! And you’ll feel better seeing one small project completed as opposed to stirring up more chaos around you. Try setting a few aims for each day anywhere from three to five things that you need/hope/want to accomplish. Then if you make it through your list, give yourself an A for a job well done!
Be Flexible
Working from home and/or homeschooling or any combination that you may find yourself in right now, requires all kinds of flexibility. I’ve been a homeschool parent before, because we actually elected to homeschool for two years! And we have memories of my son hiding under the dining room table as he refused to learn his multiplication tables. And you know what, I caved and yes, he failed to learn them (until he returned back to school).

Parents, be flexible in this season. Don’t take any of this too serious. This too shall pass. Teach or lead for a few hours in the morning. Have some reading time, learning time, cooking time, art time, and then feel free to encourage LOTS of quiet time and alone time (as appropriate). This is also a great time to teach how to do more chores around the house or delegate additional things to your kids.
Be Purposeful
In some ways we’ve lost a lot of our freedom and flexibility by not being able to leave our homes as much. And yet in other ways many of us are experiencing increased freedom and flexibility by being home more. (I realize this may not apply to everyone depending on what type of work you may do.)

However, if you find yourself with more time at home and with longer days ahead of you, it’s a good time to remain purposeful and intentional. Consider time blocking your day-to-day. This doesn’t need to be a hyper scheduled plan but rather a way to help steer your time for the day. I’m sharing a FREE printable I have available that you can print to help with your planning.

We can’t calm all of this chaos but we can choose intentionality with how we respond in the midst of all of this. Additionally, we can and should, choose to be realistic, flexible, and purposeful. We can choose to rise up and respond well!

Happy Organizing!

Morgan is a professional organizer (chaos calmer), writer (list lover), and exercise enthusiast (fitness fan), keep up with her on her site, Morganize with Me. Her mission is to share tried and true techniques that she hopes will encourage her readers and clients as they focus on their health and homes. Check out her Books, join one of her Challenges, listen to her Podcast, and be sure to check out her Shop full of fabulous organizing printables!

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#Motivation-Encouragement #Morgan #GuestBloggers #Simplicity
Motivation Morgan GuestBloggers Simplicity

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