News — X1f495
25 Most Wanted Storage Trays

Rev-A-Shelf 11 Inch Polymer Sink Front Tip Out Storage Trays and Hinges, White Rev-A-Shelf 11 Inch Polymer Sink Front Tip Out Storage Trays and Hinges, White - Recommended to have at least 25 inches of clearance. Contains white open tray, white accessory tray with ring holder, 2 pairs of hinges, and mounting hardware. Modern, white finish which looks great in any cupboard. Tip-out tray created extra storage space without a ton of tools or fuss. Fits most standard-sized drawers for kitchen or bathroom installations. Warmtree Stainless Steel Towel Tray Storage Tray Dish Plate Tea Tray Fruit Trays Cosmetics Jewelry...